Why Do I Need a Porch Enclosure In Canada?

Some can say that having a porch enclosure is a new trend. But we all know that new is forgotten old. In this article, we will look closer at the advantages of having porch enclosure in Canada, explore porch enclosure types and just in general discuss this topic. 

What is a porch enclosure?

Firstly, we need to, of course, define our topic. Enclosed porch? Porch enclosure? Veranda? What is it? Enclosed porch and porch enclosure are basically the same things that can be described as specifically added closed rooms to your house. It is usually located before the main door. We are sure that you have already seen it in films and serials a million times but just didn’t know that it is a porch enclosure. It can be also said that it is a porch that is enclosed by something and that is actually very descriptive.

Types of porch enclosures

As we already know, your porch can have different types of enclosures. Basically, they differ in the degree of protection. Let’s look at them closer:

  • Sunroom
  • Screen room
  • Three seasons room
  • Four seasons room

The first type includes just glass around the porch. If the glass is tempered it can be very protective, but in the case of sunrooms, it is just simple glass that allows you to sunbathe and stargaze near your house.

Screen room refers to having a small roof above your porch and surrounding screens. These are mainly built to protect you from bugs, they can hardly do anything else.

The name of the three-season room speaks for itself. It is almost a normal room that has its own windows, door, walls, and roof which is often a continuation of the second floor. This room is great but cold, so you can enjoy sitting there only during three seasons — spring, summer, autumn. 

Four-season room porch enclosure is the best variant and later we are going to discuss why. Like a three-season room, it has walls, windows, door, and roof but also includes cooling or heating systems, so you can sit there the whole year, all four seasons! If this advantage of having additional living space is not enough for you we will look at more of them below. As you probably already guessed, when we will write `porch enclosure` we will refer to three and four-season room enclosures. 

Modern front porch enclosure advantages

Finally, we came to the most interesting part of having a porch enclosure in Canada. They differ depending on the climate, however, some of them are general and suit every season. Let`s list advantages first and then discuss them in greater detail:

  1. The most obvious one is that you will have additional space for any purpose;
  2. From this comes higher security;
  3. With higher security comes additional insulation and protection for you from mosquitoes in summer!;
  4. Moreover, additional space like that can significantly increase the cost of your home, you can consider it as a long term investment;
  5. Last but not least is the whole field for design experiments.

And now let’s look at them closer! We will offer you some ideas on how to use your future porch enclosure.

Additional four-season space

If your house is small, a four-season porch enclosure installation can solve the whole set of problems since it gives you additional living space which you can use as you want. Even if your house is big, extra space still can help, why not? Its use depends on your phantasy, for example, you can use it for your new hobby. It will be great for those who want to read paper books and save their eyes at the time because a four-season porch enclosure has a lot of natural light.

If you don’t have anything you like in particular now you can start growing food there and treat it like a greenhouse. Don`t like homegrown fruit and vegetables but like inviting friends? Not a big deal, you can place a dining area in your porch enclosure and enjoy your meal admiring beautiful surroundings and entertaining friends. 

Advanced security

We can help you make your house your true castle. According to the statistics, 35% of burglars use doors to enter the house, 22% use windows to enter the house and the rest just turn around when they see your new enclosed porch. Besides joking it is true, an additional room is an extra barrier between you and the cruel outside world, like a moat in front of a castle. Imagine that you are a burglar and see one more door you need to breakthrough. Why on earth would you do that and add more work for you as well as more years in prison? 

Enhanced insulation

Imagine that your new four-season porch enclosure is finally constructed. Can you hear that? No? We can’t too! Because additional spacing is also additional noise insulation between you and these noisy birds outside at 6 a.m. Not only birds, but their food is no longer a problem. You can now read books outside in the fresh air without being bitten by thousands of mosquitoes in summer. 

The enclosed porch is good not only in the summer but in winter too, especially since Canada is one of the coldest countries in the world. You can use the porch enclosure as a calming transition space during winter. Imagine that you have played with kids outside and are very tired. Before going to your warm house you can sit in a rocking chair, calm down a bit and drink warm tea while looking at the beautiful snowman you made together. While you are resting snow from your clothes will disappear as well as your tiredness, because you understand that you have less cleaning work to do inside a house now.

Increased space for design experiments and value

With a porch enclosure, you can favorably distinguish your house from other similar plots. Moreover, it can be seasonally decorated with garlands for Christmas or pumpkins for Halloween. The design of an additional room, both inside and outside, is now completely limited only by your imagination.

As a nice bonus, it’s great to know that even though such investment costs a fortune, it also increases the value of your home so much that you can easily return 80% of the investment.

Bottom line

In this article, we have discussed the advantages of having a four-season porch enclosure in Canada as in a cold country. We hope that you have learned a lot of information and enjoyed reading it. No matter what decision you make in the future, you will know that people install porch enclosures for a reason and enjoy them for a long time.   


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