
The Evolution Of Window Films Over The Years

The evolution of window films has improved and advanced throughout the years, just like everything else in life. The many different glass types out there were expanded upon because they weren’t always perfect. When a fault is found in a product, that fault is built upon with an upgraded product or new product altogether. One of the first types of glass that was ever used was called broadsheet glass. This type of glass was produced in Britain. The way it was made was through blowing the glass in a type of elongated balloon. Once the blowing of the glass finished, each end of the glass was sliced off. This left just the cylindrical shape of the glass that was then split apart and then flattened on a type of plate. The quality of broadsheet glass was known to be very bad quality. The size of it was so tiny, and because of that, it didn’t make sense to try and use it for homes. As time progressed, other glass manufacturers began springing up and learning new methods of glass production.

Crown Glass

After broadsheet glass stopped production, crown glass was the next style in line. It was around the 14th century when the crown glass was being imported from France, but it was known to be very pricey. It wasn’t until the 17th century that crown glass was started to be manufactured throughout Britain. Crown glass was manufactured in a unique way. A sphere of molten glass was blown into, and while the glass was very hot, one end was opened and spun into a sheet that resembled a circle. This wasn’t known to be the best quality of glass, but it was known to be much better than broadsheet glass.

Polished Plate Glass

Polished plate glass was the next glass style in line after crown glass, and it started popping up in the 18th century. The method for manufacturing polished plate glass was by putting a solid sheet of glass on a flat surface, typically a table, and grinding the glass by hand. The glass was then polished afterward. It took until the 19th century to turn this extensively based hand-labor method into a steam-powered one. Polished plate glass could be made into bigger glass panes than the previous methods, and it also enabled higher quality. The downside of it was the astronomical price that it cost. The rich people were typically the only ones that were able to buy polished plate glass, and they liked to add them into the nicest rooms of the house.

Newer Glasses

During the early years of the 1900s, laminated glass was created. The way it was produced was by putting a very thin layer of the plastic film right in between two separate glass sheets. This was done so that the bigger panes of glass could be produced more safely. Mass production of glass in the 20th century made glass a lot more affordable to people instead of just the wealthy. The double-pane glass was also starting to be manufactured around this time period, as well. This type of glass really started to increase the energy efficiency of homes to a new level.

Modern Windows Of Today

Glass manufacturing methods have come a long way over the last few centuries. Windows are now known to be a lot safer and more affordable than the ones of the past. Windows aren’t the only thing that has come a long way, though. Even the frames on windows had rapidly advanced. Vinyl frames have now become the common type of frame due to their increased durability and fire resistance standards. Vinyl windows also are a lot less work to maintain and a lot better in energy efficiency.

If you’re interested in getting your wood frame windows replaced with vinyl ones, it’s always good to make a list of questions for your window contractor. They should be able to guide you and make recommendations based on your overall vision for your home.


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