Window replacement costs in Airdrie: What to look out for.

Window replacement costs in Airdrie: What to look out for.

Putting money into buying quality windows is a wise investment that will pay off over time. After all, reliable windows will help you avoid drafts in your home and reduce your monthly heating and electricity bills. Replacement windows in Airdire are very beneficial in the long run, but before placing an order, it is important to calculate the price of double-glazed windows and understand what it depends on.

Price of insulating glass units

The cost depends on several important factors.
First of all, on the type of window unit. There are windows on sale:

  • swinging,
  • single-hung,
  • double-hung,
  • bay window,
  • sliding,
  • blind.

A swing-out window will cost from $395, while double-hung glazing will cost the customer $445. Bay window models are the most expensive, their cost starts at $2995. Therefore, before ordering windows, it is worth deciding on the type of double-glazed windows that are planned to install in the cottage.

What affects the cost?

If you know exactly how much windows cost, understand what prices are offered in Alberta, you will be able to stay within your budget without spending too much, while buying quality windows. However, it’s important to remember that it’s difficult, almost impossible, to calculate the cost on your own. So if you need replacement windows in Airdire, you want to calculate the cost accurately, contact the experts at Canglow.

Our managers will carry out accurate calculations. In the process of calculations, our specialists necessarily take into account the following factors:

  • the size of the glazed unit;
  • material from which the window is made;
  • type of installation;
  • type of project.

The cost is also influenced by the layout of the house, i.e. windows for the living room, bedroom and kitchen may differ from each other. In the kitchen, it is more common to install large windows, the so-called panoramic ones. In the bedroom, small models are used, and in the bathroom or toilet – blind.

Specialists of our company will calculate the average cost of windows in Canada, based on the main factors that affect pricing. Managers will explain in detail what the price depends on and how it is formed specifically for you, based on the conditions that you have provided. Also, managers will help to keep within the budget, choosing the right windows just for your home, under it:

  • features;
  • architecture;
  • functional nuances.

Window costs

The price depends on a variety of factors. We will calculate the cost for your project when we know all of your window performance requirements.

In the table we have written the minimum prices for different styles of windows.

Window typePrice
Casement Windowsfrom $395
Single-Hung Windowsfrom $425
Double-Hung Windowsfrom $445
Bay Windowsfrom $2995
Bow Windowsfrom $2995
Awning Windowsfrom $395
Picture Windowsfrom $295
Sliding Windowsfrom $375
Hopper windowsfrom $395
Patio Doorsfrom $1995

*Please note that these prices are not final. The amount may vary depending on the type of glazing, hardware, shape of the window and other characteristics. We will calculate the final price upon your request.

Type of insulating glass units

Different models can vary significantly in price. Single and double hung models are priced differently, also the size of the frame affects the price. Windows that are installed in the attic – energy efficient. They are supplemented with seals to prevent cold air from entering the room. Due to the complexity of the design and the use of additional elements, the price of such models is higher. The most expensive windows are those that are mounted in the bay window. Here the installation process is very complicated, so the price is higher.

In Canada, standard double pane windows are usually installed. Energy-efficient triple pane models are popular with customers. They do not let in drafts, condensation and mold do not form on such double-glazed windows, the models have high noise-insulating characteristics and are ENERGY STAR certified. But the cost of such models will be about 15% more expensive than double glazing.

Window materials

From what material the window is made of, also depends on its cost The most budget, practical and inexpensive are vinyl ones They are easy to use, do not require special care, look great, serve at least 50 years In addition, our company gives a warranty of 25 years for such windows During this time, the windows do not require maintenance, reinstallation of hardware, so do not create problems for owners.

More expensive are the fiberglass models. They cost 25% more than vinyl ones. However, their appearance is perfectly similar to natural wood. Fiberglass windows are durable and do not require maintenance. In addition, they can be painted in absolutely any color.

Aluminum frames are also strong and durable, and do not require maintenance or painting. Even in the production process, vinyl is covered with a protective layer that does not allow moisture to accumulate on the frames. The frame of such windows is additionally insulated to preserve heat.

How to calculate the cost

Specialists of our company make an absolutely free estimate for each customer To find out the cost of window replacement in Airdrie, call our specialists or send an e-mail to.

Tell us in which room you want to install windows, what size they should be. Specify functional features – opening mechanism, heat-saving and noise-insulating characteristics. Managers will quickly calculate prices and send you a quote for double glazing installation in Alberta.

Why contact Canglow

Our company has been successfully operating in the market for more than 14 years. We are recommended to friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Our windows are Energy Star certified and have a warranty of 25 years. We provide discounts of up to 25% on almost any model of windows.

To order replacement windows in Airdire, call now. We’ll calculate the cost for free, quickly send you a quote for replacement windows in Airdrie that will improve the quality of life in your cottage!



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