Window installation and replacement in Athabasca

Canglow is a leading company providing window and door repair, replacement and installation services in Edmonton, Alberta and Northwest Territories.

Tired of draughts, noise and high heating bills? It’s time to think about replacing your double-glazed windows! Canglow, a leader in the glazing industry, offers Alberta residents innovative solutions that will not only transform your home, but also make your life more comfortable and cost-effective. We do window replacement in Athabasca in your cottages, offices, apartments.

Energy efficiency and economy

Did you know that outdated glass is a major source of heat loss in the home? According to studies, poor-quality double-glazed windows can let up to 30% of heat escape in the winter and penetrate up to 75% of heat in the summer. This puts excessive strain on your heating and air conditioning systems, significantly increasing your energy bills.

Our state-of-the-art argon-filled double and triple glazed windows with Low-E coatings provide unrivaled thermal insulation. They keep you warm in winter and cool in summer, allowing you to cut your energy costs by up to 40%. By investing in energy efficient windows, you’re not only saving money, you’re also contributing to the environment. Therefore, order window installation in Athabasca urgently if you want to solve such problems.

Noises and discomfort

Do you live near a busy street? Ordinary windows do a poor job of soundproofing, letting in up to 50% of outside noise. This can be a serious problem, interfering with your rest, work and sleep.

Our glass has excellent soundproofing properties. Thanks to laminated glass panes and special acoustic membranes, they are able to reduce noise levels by up to 80%. Imagine how nice it will be to enjoy peace and quiet in your home, no matter what is happening outside.

Safety and security

Not only is old glass inefficient, but it can also be an easy target for intruders. According to statistics, about 30% of residential burglaries occur through windows. Are you really willing to risk the safety of your family and property?

Window installation in Athabasca from our company is the right decision. After all, Canglow double and triple pane windows are equipped with advanced security systems including:

  • heavy-duty multipoint locks;
  • anti-burglary hardware;
  • tempered glass.

They will securely protect your home from unauthorized entry, giving you complete peace of mind and peace of mind.

Facts & figures: why Canglow?

  • Thousands of successfully completed glazing projects in Athabasca and surrounding areas.
  • Highly trained professionals with 5 years and more experience.
  • 90% of our customers come to us through referrals from friends and acquaintances.
  • 40% savings on heating and air conditioning with energy efficient windows
  • 25 years warranty on profiles, glazing and installation work.

Don’t put off making a difference – contact us today to schedule a free consultation, estimate for your project, and quality window replacement in Athabasca.



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