
Remodelling 101: Informational Guide On Window And Door Trim

We recently distributed a post pertaining specifically to crown moulding (you know, the trim placed alongside wall tops for the purposes of decoration, while also working to cover up the line frequently messed up where the wall and ceiling meet) in an article entitled “Remodeling 101: What Is Crown Molding? Additionally, What You Would like to Know”. However, we still had more questions related to mouldings, so we again spoke with architect James Dixon, who happens to be a fan of mouldings. Dixon is known for re-establishing Manhattan lofts and building while also remodelling country homes. Moreover, he is a part of the Remodelista Architect & Designer Catalog. This time we’re handling entryway and window casings, as well as the trim surrounding inside entryways and windows for new or older homes due for remodelling.

What are the Primary Three Forms Of Mouldings?

Aside from the well-known crown mouldings, there are also several different types of Moulding, and houses are not simply restricted to having just one form. For example, houses can have trim as well as casings around the windows and doors which constitute alternative forms of moulding.
In addition, baseboards (as well as for trim and casings) are also a type of moulding that is often less complex in comparison to crown moulding which commonly has a large amount of detail to them. Baseboards are often placed onto walls acting a picture or chair rails or even to simply set forth boundaries. These forms of mouldings are commonly comprised of wood of a composite such as medium density fibreboard or MDF for short.

Casings: What are Door and Window Casings Exactly?

This particular form of trim ultimately shares the same purposes are crown moulding. As Dixon claims, it was originally a way to cover the gaps caused by a hole in the wall when placing a door or window. This said it was later utilized as a way to decorate the space. Further, the trim ensures the plaster walls are being protected, particularly in areas such as the inside doorway. In the past, casings were traditionally constructed out of marble or stone, in comparison to the modern-day equivalent made primarily from wood.

Is the Casing Required to Match Other Moulding Present in the Room?

While there is a set of guidelines that have been put out back in 1926 by Howard Walkers known as the Theory of Mouldings. Dixon succinctly answers this question by claiming that in order for the moulding to not appear to be out of place it is important to consider the size of the room and the height of the ceiling. Also, the trim in a given room should be similar in nature in regard to the level of detail as well as proportions. As such, if the room has a very detailed moulding, you should opt for detailed casings to match the tone of the room.

Is There a Certain Colour I should Paint my Door and Casing?

What is window trim? There is no one colour that the door or casings need to coloured according to Dixon, instead, this is largely up to the discretion of the homeowner. Commonly, people will colour their ceiling white along with all their trim (window and door casing, and baseboards). They will then paint the wall a different colour or perhaps install wallpaper. Dixon prefers all trim is painted in accordance with the colour on the wall, even more so when the casings have lots of details in order to keep things slightly simpler.

Are There any Useful Tips and Tricks for Using Door and Window Casings?

Dixon cited that Andrea Palladio and Italian architect was fantastic placing false windows on buildings as a facade in order to simulate symmetry. He states that the same things can be done inside your home with mouldings. For example, Dixon recommends adding a closed shutter as a way to give the illusion of a window without one being there. On the other hand, if a doorway is on one side of the room only, consider placing moulding on the opposing wall to provide the appearance of another doorway.

Any Last Pieces of Advice regarding Window and Door Casings?

It should be noted that while a few types of mouldings were discussed, there are still plenty more types and styles to choose from. If you would like to learn more, you can take a look at Dykes Lumber Co, established in 1909 in Manhattan. Dyke’s catalogue according to Dixon posses all types of moulding across all categories and is a great resource for those who have an extreme interest in this subject. Of course, as mentioned Theory of Moulding is a useful resource as well.


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