How Do You Know When It’s Time To Replace Your Windows?

You have realized that your windows are almost as old as you are and you find yourself wondering if it’s time to part with them. The problem is that aren’t sure. Windows are investment for any homeowner, but the benefits of replacing them are many: big savings on your energy bill and no more drafts! You will have a lot more curb appeal and you will even see an increase in the value of your home. In fact, the windows will eventually pay for themselves.

Keep in mind that homeowners can replace or update their windows at any time, but there are certain signs to look for that will make it a little more obvious that the time has arrived. As a general rule, any problems with structure and overall effectiveness provide a good framework for assessment.

  • Your Windows Are More Than 15 Years Old. This is a general and more straightforward benchmark as to when it is a good time to replace windows. Of course, you might get more years out of your windows, especially if they were of a higher quality to begin with.
  • High Energy Bills. This is a sign of a window that is not very energy efficient. If this is the case, it makes financial sense to replace your windows as soon as possible.
  • You Are Having Problems Opening and Closing Them. This is a more obvious sign that shows your windows are more than a little run down and that it is a good time to get some newer models.
  • You Have a Lot of Drafts. Drafts are not pleasant for anyone. If you are experiencing a lot of them, it is a sign that your seals have stopped working, which is a sure fire sign that you will want to replace your windows. The reason for this is that your energy is not being spent well – and nor is your money. Keep in mind that although your first reaction might be to simply replace your weatherstripping to remedy the situation, any drafts indicates that there’s an air leak that goes beyond simple weatherstripping.
  • You Notice a Buildup of Condensation or Fog Between Window Panes. This is a sign of a seal failure, which allows moisture and thus condensation. This is a problem because it affects the ability of the window to properly insulate.
  • You Hear A Lot of Outside Noise. Modern and new windows reduce the noise outside, unlike more outdated windows. It couldn’t hurt to replace them, especially if you like your surroundings to be quiet.

If your windows are showing one or more of the signs above, it is time to replace them. Contact our team at Canglow Windows and Doors today. We offer a free consultation.


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