Grey uPVC Windows – Should You Choose Or Not Choose Them?

When new homeowners are making design plans for their dream home, they typically spend a large chunk of time determining what colors of windows and doors will work into their tastes. Because of the advances in technology, windows and doors can come in a large assortment of different colors, and grey uPVC windows are a wise choice.

No one wants to have a mundane, boring looking house with washed out and unoriginal colors. The color of a house can have such an impact that it can even affect your mood. Because of the ability to pick and choose from so many different colors nowadays, homeowners don’t have to go with the same old white uPVC windows anymore.

When choosing a style of window, consumers can now choose from an entire palette of different colors, and slate grey uPVC windows are becoming much more common.

Are Grey uPVC Windows More Expensive Than White Ones?

Buyers will be paying a little more for having the grey uPVC windows, but it’s a small premium to pay for something that will drastically change a home’s look. Some people still enjoy the traditional golden oak look of windows, while others will enjoy the appeal of an anthracite grey white uPVC window.

Grey Windows White House

Grey uPVC windows are becoming more popular and are eventually taking over the standard beige and white windows. Slate grey uPVC windows have seen a 77% increase over the years. Grey windows sit in the neutral category of colors, much in the same way that whites, blacks, creams, browns, and stone colors do. Grey used to be a shade of color that appeared to be bland and boring to many, but because of the rapid marketing of TV renovation shows, it has grown in popularity.

Grey uPVC windows are gaining such popularity that they are now called the “new white”. Because grey is such a neutral color, it works well with so many other colors and styles. Modern homes and traditional homes can both make use of a nice shade of grey. Greys can have a calming effect on people’s moods and create a sense of elegance that some of the other colors might not be able to achieve. If you want to stray away from conforming to everyone else’s home, choosing a grey color will work perfectly.

Going With Grey

There are a variety of reasons to go with grey in your home, and you shouldn’t be afraid of trying it out.

  • Grey is rapidly rising in popularity in the housing market.
  • Grey is a neutral color that works well on walls and floors.
  • It goes well and blends in with almost any other color.
  • It blends in nicely with many types of furniture.

Grey walls tend to blend in well with pastel colors and brighter colors. A good way to slowly grow to like grey is by gradually starting with grey accessories, then getting a grey table, and installing some grey cabinets. Grey doesn’t tend to have its own personality. Where having white-colored everything appears to be clean, grey kind of sits on the sidelines and lets the other colors take the credit and be more visible.

What Kinds Of Options Do You Have?

There are a variety of different shades of grey that work well in homes. You can go with “Everest Light Grey” for more of a muted look, or you can stick with a darker, bolder look and go with “Smooth Anthracite”. If you want to get a grey woodgrain finish on your timber windows, you can also opt for that and stick to a more traditional look.

If you want a white house grey windows type of look, this blend’s neutrality works very well for modern homes. Grey makes to be a great compromise if you don’t think that color with more flare will work inside or outside a home. If you want red or green but aren’t sure that you’ll be keeping the house for an extended period of time, grey is another perfect choice in a case like that.

How Does A Grey Front Door Look?

Grey uPVC windows aren’t the only thing that works well. Grey front doors look appealing as well and are a best-selling door color, with 64% more homeowners choosing it over the other colors.

Grey window frames are a color you can’t really go wrong with. They add a measure of style and substance in the same package and are a wise choice if they are on your list.


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