
4 Ways To Detect An Air Leak In Your Windows

When it comes to the fall and winter seasons, you want to ensure that there are no leaks in your windows. Leaks will lead to drafts, and your furnace will have to work harder to compensate.

Considering the cost for utilities, it makes sense to do everything you can to keep energy costs down as much as possible. It might not be immediately obvious how to determine whether or not your windows have leaks, but there are some tried and proven ways to find out.

What follows is a list of 4 ways to detect an air leak in your windows – so that you can correct the issue and keep more money in your wallet.

Visual Test

The first thing to do is to do a visual exam inside and outside of your house. When looking at the windows, look for signs of missing caulking since this could ultimately compromise the effectiveness of your windows. Also ensure that the weather stripping surrounding your windows are in good repair. If they’ve seen better days, replace them.

Smoke Test

A visual inspection can help, but the naked eye might not be able to identify every leak. That’s where a smoke test comes in useful. What is a smoke test? To conduct one you’ll first need to shut all of your home’s windows and doors, and then you’ll need to turn off all of your combustion appliances — think water heater or furnace.

Next, you’ll have to switch on the exhaust vents in your bathroom and kitchen, which will essentially trigger a negative pressure within your home, and this condition will bring outside air into your house via any cracks. After you’ve done this, you’ll need to light a candle and hold the lit candle around the edges of all your windows. If you notice changes in the way the smoke rises from the candle, then you’ll have proof that there’s a leak.

Infrared Thermometer

Another of the ways that you can detect an air leak in your windows is via an infrared thermometer. This device, which registers the ambient air temperatures surrounding your windows, will let you know if there’s a leak.

Professional Help

You can also opt to contact a professional service provider to come in and test your windows for drafts. That way, you can leave the detection process to the pros.

So, there you have it–four ways to detect an air leak in your windows. Don’t go through the cold weather seasons with air leaks that will only end up costing you more on your monthly utility bill.

If you have any questions about how to go about fixing air leaks in your windows, contact our team of specialists.


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