Painting Steel Doors: A Complete Guide

Are you looking revamp the steel doors in your home? Before you get out your paint brushes, there are many things you need to know. Below you’ll find a complete guide to painting steel doors that will help you get the job done.

Hardware has to go

You’ll need to remove the door’s hardware with a screwdriver. This includes the knob, strike plate, door knocker and kick plates. You’ll also have to remove the door from its frame and hinges. You may need a drill for that part.

Clean, tape, repair and sand

Now that you’ve removed the door, clean it with rubbing alcohol and a rag. Then, with painter’s tape, cover any areas that won’t be painted like windows and trim. If you notice any dents in the door, you can use a fibreglass compound like auto body filler to even them out. You can also use sandpaper to even out dents. Once the dents are evened out, sand the entire door. When steel doors aren’t sanded prior to being painted, the paint won’t properly adhere to the surface.

Paint once, then paint twice

If the steel door is new, you should prime it and let it dry for 24 hours. If primer is not needed you can start painting. You should apply two coats of paint. Let the first coat dry before applying the second. You can use a roller or a brush, depending on your taste. Remember to use even strokes; otherwise you’ll have paint drips and a surface that is anything but smooth. Before removing the tape, putting the door back on its hinges and re-adding the hardware, wait until it is completely dry.

When should you paint?

Painting steel doors requires the right temperature. Wait until you have a clear day with the temperature reaching at least 10 degrees Celsius. Fog, rain and cold air will take the paint longer to dry, and the moisture in the atmosphere will affect the door’s surface.

Consider the sun:

  • When steel doors are exposed to sunlight, the finish fades faster. Choose lighter colours with a hint of brown because they last longer, even after long periods of sun exposure. Darker colours, especially shades of red, will require repainting quite often.
  • Instead of traditional oil-based paint, opt for 100% acrylic paint. Acrylic paint is stronger than its oil-based counterpart when it comes to standing up to the sun.
  • If you have a storm door, it will trap heat and cause your beautiful paint job to fade quickly. If possible, leave the storm door window open to ventilate the space.

Although painting a steel door may not seem like a big job, it is. If you can, hire a professional company to paint your steel doors; otherwise you could risk doing a subpar job or becoming seriously injured.


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