How to Winterize Your Windows

Drafty windows can cause significant heat loss during the winter months. Protecting your drafty windows by winterizing them is a cheap and relatively quick way to potentially save a ton on your heating bill this winter. Doing so is also friendly for the environment as your house will run more efficiently. Here are 5 ways to winterize your windows to get your home ready for the cold.

Apply Caulking

Applying caulking is a great way to seal small gaps around your window frame. First, strip off any existing caulking to ensure a proper seal forms. The clean residue from around where your window frame meets your siding and dry with a cloth. Finally, apply a outdoor rated caulking to create a seal.

Apply Weather Stripping

Weather stripping, which can be purchased from any hardware store, comes in longs strips and is easy to apply. Weather stripping is applied to the bottom of the movable part of the window in order create a seal with the window frame.

Apply Insulation film

Insulation film is a thin layer of plastic usually applied to the inside of the window. The film is usually applied to the window frame with double sided tape, and heated to shrink the film and remove wrinkles. A strong seal is created, and an insulating layer is formed between the cold window and circulating air.

Install insulating Curtains

Insulating curtains are made of thick heavy fabrics. Like insulation film, they reduce heat exchange by insulating the air in your home from cold windows. Insulating curtains can be chosen to match your home’s existing decor, and are generally a more attractive option than is insulation film.

Use a Draft Snake

Draft snakes are long snake-like fabric tubes filled with rise or a similar heavy insulating material. The draft snake is placed along the window sill to reduce the draft that enters through any gaps.

As electricity prices continue to rise, insulating your home in the winter becomes more important. Luckily, there are many energy efficient window options on the market today. However, installing new windows, while generally worth it in the long run, can be a big endeavour. These quick-fixes will pay immediate dividends if you don’t have time to install new windows before winter hits.


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