Extreme Tinting Edmonton – A Quick LoE Glass Guide

There is a large variety of LoE glass options out there. Each and every one of them works best for specific purposes. In this article, we cover each one in an attempt to highlight which one would work best for you. Let’s jump right into all the different types of extreme tinting Edmonton offers!

  • LoE 180 – The LoE 180 is a great option for those winter months. All of us Canadians are aware that our winters are some of the worst in the world. What’s the point in making your furnace work super hard to heat your home? That costs you more money and makes your furnace work harder, which will lower its lifespan.
  • LoE 272 – This is a great option for those living in the southern portion of Edmonton where the winters aren’t as harsh. Although it’s still great for cold weather, the LoE 272 option is great year-round. Regardless of what the elements throw at them, your windows and home will survive. Not only will they survive, but they’ll also thrive.
  • LoE 366 – This option is better than the first two when it comes to protecting your home from the elements, however, it costs a lot more. If you’re on a tight budget you may want to consider the 180 and 272 options. For those not on a budget, this is definitely your best bet. It’s a double pane option that’s sure to make cold-weather its beta. Your windows will keep heat in the winter, and cool air in the summer.
  • LoF Glass – This particular glass option has been designed to succeed in the coldest of temperatures. This is perfect for people living in northern Edmonton, where temperatures routinely drop below minus 30 degrees celsius. This will save you money, it will save you energy, and last but certainly not least, peace of mind.
  • Tempered Glass – If you’re looking for a super strong and durable option, this is it. Tempered glass is 5 times stronger than your average glass. It’ll be more expensive because it’s more difficult to craft, but it’s definitely worth it. Not to mention it’s actually one of the safest options on this list. Instead of shattering into a bunch of jagged edges, it’ll actually break up into little cubes. No sharp edges, no hidden slivers, just easily manageable cubes.
  • Laminated Glass – Laminated glass is the cheaper version of tempered glass. It’s been designed to be safety conscious like tempered glass, but it’s nowhere near as strong. Most would agree that this is the budget glass. It’s stronger than regular glass but nowhere near as tough and resilient as the tempered option.
  • Multiple Panes – Depending on what you’re trying to do, you can choose from a single pane, double pane, and triple-pane glass. Each one has its own purpose, benefits, and drawbacks. In the majority of cases, one is not better than another. Instead, one would fit a certain situation better than another. For example, if you live in Northern Alberta, you may want some heavier duty glass, whereas if you live in the southern region you may not want to spend a whole bunch of dough for something you don’t necessarily need! Regardless, each pane option serves its purpose and does it well.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to getting the right glass, you need to be careful. Especially with all of this Canadian weather! All of us Canadians know that one day is very different from the next, and we need to be prepared. Our summers are hot, and our winters are disastrously cold, but we manage. Make sure your windows can too. The above options are fairly clear when it comes to what they work best for, but if you have any more questions or concerns that we didn’t necessarily cover here feel free to get in contact with us. We’re always happy to help out potential customers. We pride ourselves in selling fantastic products to fantastic people. We’re here for all your needs! We hope this article on the different types of extreme tinting Edmonton offers helped!


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